Frequently Asked Questions

  • Kristin DiCarlo is a licensed Nurse Practitioner within the province of Ontario. She can provide medical and counselling services to individuals in Ontario and Newfoundland only.

    Clients that are located outside of Ontario, including elsewhere in Canada or the USA, are able to work with Kristin in a coaching capacity.

  • Services provided by Kristin DiCarlo are not covered by the OHIP system.

  • You may have extended health care benefits for services provided by Kristin DiCarlo. You should call to inquire about your individual health insurance plan.

    Most clients pay for services directly and services may be tax deductible.

  • Yes! All consultations take place virtually. Once your appointment has been booked, a link to a secure video platform will be e-mailed to you 1-2 days before your appointment.

  • Personal health information collected from your practitioner will be kept private and confidential. Any information obtained during your sessions will not be shared unless there is consent to sharing your medical and personal information with collaborating practitioners and/or there is risk of harm to the client or others. Client records will be kept secure on an electronic charting system that is password protected. Kristin DiCarlo, NP, follows all jurisprudence and ethical guidelines as established by the College of Nurse of Ontario.

  • To get started, book a free discovery call.

    This call will take be an informal meeting during which we'll meet virtually. You'll have a chance to speak directly with Kristin about the challenges that you are experiencing, and learn about the customized support options available to you.

  • Kristin DiCarlo accepts clients that are 18 years of age or older.

  • If you have questions, please email at

    You can expect a response back within 1-2 business days.

  • Kristin DiCarlo Mind Body Wellness does not provide emergency or urgent healthcare services. If you require urgent medical or mental health assistance, please present to your local emergency room or crisis center.